2024 Nesting Season
Location: Maryland's Eastern Shore

The First Nest of the 2024 Season
A Bluebird Nest in Birdhouse #1

March 15, 2024  Bluebirds began placing nesting material in the birdhouse
March 22, 2024  The bluebird laid her first egg this morning
March 23, 2024  The bluebird laid her second egg about 9:45am
March 24, 2024  The bluebird laid her third egg about 9:00am
March 25, 2025  The bluebird laid her fourth egg at 11:30am
March 26, 2024  The incubation period has begun

2023 Nesting Season
Location: Maryland's Eastern Shore

The Second Nest of the 2023 Season
A Wren Nest in Birdhouse #2

July 13 2023   The wren laid her first egg at about 5:45 am
July 14, 2023  The second egg was laid at 7:24 am

July 17, 2023  The third egg was laid about 8:00 am
July 18, 2023  The fourth egg was laid around 7:30 am
July 19, 2023  The incubation period began
July 31, 2023  The first egg hatched during the early morning hours
August 1, 2023  The second egg hatched 
August 2, 2023  The third egg hatched
August 15, 2023  The first nestling fledged at about 7:15am

The First Nest of the 2023 Season
A Chickadee Nest in Birdhouse #1

March 29, 2023   Chickadees began putting in nesting material
April     9, 2023   The chickadee laid her first egg about 6:45pm
April   12, 2023   The chickadee uncovered the nest revealing 6 eggs
April   13, 2023   The chickadee laid a 7th egg
April   14, 2023    The incubation period has begun
April   25, 2023    The
eggs began hatching about 5:45pm.
April   28, 2023    All the eggs have hatched. Here is a Picture 
April   29, 2023    The nest was raided by a Red-bellied Woodpecker over night. Picture
May      2, 2023    We cleaned out the birdhouse hoping for another possible nest this season

2022 Nesting Season

Location: Maryland's Eastern Shore

The First Nest of the 2022 Season
A Black-capped Chickadee Nest

February 9, 2022:  First birds to visit the birdhouse this season - Male and Female Bluebird
March 26, 2022:    A Chickadee placed the first nesting material in the birdhouse

April 10, 2022:       It appears that there might be 4 eggs under the white fur.
April 15, 2022:       Seven eggs became visible today. Incubation appears to have begun.
April 28, 2022:      The eggs began hatching in the early morning hours. All 7 eggs hatched
May 6,    2022:      The nest was raided by a Red-Bellied Woodpeckers and several chicks were removed
May 10,  2022:       The nest was again raided by the Red-Bellied Woodpecker. Only one chick remains
May 14, 2022:        The remaining chick fledged today

2021 Nesting Season
Location: Maryland Eastern Shore

The First Nest of the 2021 Season
A Black-capped Chickadee Nest

March 1, 2021: New birdhouse erected at the edge of the woods April    8, 2021: Nesting material first noted in the birdhouse
April   16, 2021:Three eggs were laid about 4:30pm
April   17, 2021: A fourth egg was laid
April   18, 2021: Two more eggs were laid for a total of six
April   19, 2021: The incubation period has begun
May      1, 2021: Five of the six eggs hatched
May      4, 2021: A wren raided the nest and destroyed the chicks and the unhatched egg

2020 Nesting Season
Location: Northern Baltimore County, Maryland

The Nests of the 2020 Season
A Wren Nest in the Round-hole Birdhouse
A Bluebird nest in the Slotted Birdhouse
A Wren nest in the slotted birdhouse

May  1, 2020:  Nesting material appeared in the slotted birdhouse

May  2, 2020:  A wren is building a nest in the slotted birdhouse

May  5, 2020:  Wren decoy nesting material removed from the birdhouse

May  9, 2020:  New nesting material appeared in the round-hole birdhouse
May 21, 2020: We again removed the nesting material.
May 22, 2020: The wren returned and continued adding nesting material to the nest
May 24, 2020: The wren laid an egg in the nest
May 26, 2020: A second egg was laid
May 28, 2020: A third eggs was laid
May 29, 2020: A bluebird started building a nest in the slotted birdhouse
May 30, 2020: A fourth egg was seen in the wren's nest in the round-hole birdhouse
May 30, 2020: The incubation period for the wren eggs begins in the round-hole birdhouse
June  3, 2020: The bluebird laid her first egg in the slotted birdhouse
June  4, 2020: The bluebird laid a second egg
in the slotted birdhouse
June  5, 2020: The bluebird laid a third egg
in the slotted birdhouse

June  6, 2020: The bluebird laid a fourth egg in the slotted birdhouse

July   1, 2020: The infertile bluebird eggs were removed from the nest
July   3, 2020: The wren began building a nest in the slotted birdhouse
July   7, 2020: The wren laid her first egg
July   8, 2020: The wren laid her second egg
July   9, 2020: The wren laid her third egg
July 10, 2020:  Due to relocating the birdhouses, the outcome of this nest is unknown

2019 Nesting Season

The Third Nests of the 2019 Season
Slotted Birdhouse - A Bluebird Nest
Round-hold Birdhouse - a Wren Nest

June 25, 2019:  Nest grass nesting material appeared in the slotted birdhouse
July   1,  2019:  The nest appears almost compiled. It is a bluebird nest
July   3,  2019:  The first bluebird egg was laid about 8:00 am in the Slotted Birdhouse
July   4,  2019:  The second egg was laid about 8:20 am
July   5,  2019:  The third egg was laid a little before 8:00 am
July   6,  2019:  The bluebird laid her fourth egg at 8:50 am
July   9,  2019:  The incubation period has begun
July 11,  2019:   Six wren eggs were discovered in the round-hold birdhouse toddy
July 21,  2019:   The first three bluebird eggs hatched between 7:00 and 7:30 am
July 21,  2019:   The fourth bluebird egg hatched around 9:00 am
July 24,  2019:   The first wren egg hatched about 7:00 am
August 5, 2019:  All 4 bluebirds fledged between 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm
August 6, 2019:  All 5 wrens fledged between 10:30 am and 1:00 pm

The Second Nest of the 2019 Season
Slotted Birdhouse
A Wren Nest

June  6,  2019:  A Wren's nest with 7 eggs was discovered in the slotted birdhouse
June  7,  2019:  The eggs began hatching about 10:00 am
June 23, 2019:  All seven nestlings fledged during the afternoon.


The First Bluebird Nest of the 2019 Season
Slotted Birdhouse

April 19, 2019:  The first nesting material appeared in the slotted birdhouse
April 26, 2019:  The first egg of the season was laid at 9:27 am
April 27, 2019:  The second was laid about 10:12 am
April 28, 2019:  The third egg was laid at 10:09 am
April 28, 2019:  The eggs were destroyed and removed by a wren sometime between 3:00 and 4:00 pm
April 29, 2019:  The birdhouse was cleaned out with the hope that the bluebirds would return

2018 Nesting Season

The Second Bluebird Nest of the 2018 Season
Slotted Birdhouse

June 9, 2018:   The bluebirds began building a second nest about 11:00 am
June 15, 2018  The first egg of the second nest of the season was laid at 9:17am
June 16, 2018  The second egg was laid about 8:50 am. Sometime during the afternoon, a wren raided the nest and removed the second egg. It appears that the first egg may have a punctured a hole.
June 17, 2018: The bluebird laid a third egg about 8:45 am.
June 18, 2018: The fourth egg was laid at about 8:51 am.
June 19, 2018: The bluebird laid a fifth egg about 10:00 am
June 21, 2018: The incubation period has begun
June 24, 2018: One egg was removed from the nest by the bluebird after either being attached by a beetle or small snake, or because it was not viable due to a shell puncture.
July 2, 2018     The first egg hatched about 5:30 pm
July 3, 2018:    The second and third eggs hatched sometime before 9:00 am
July 4, 2018:    The fourth egg hatched during the night or early morning hours
July 19, 2018:  When we checked the birdhouse this morning, all the nestlings were gone. We don't know whether they all fledged early, by one day, or a predator raided the nest.

The First Bluebird Nest of the 2018 Season
Slotted Birdhouse

April 19, 2018:  The bluebirds began building a nest in the slotted birdhouse
April 26, 2018:  The first egg was laid at 8:53 am
April 27, 2018:  The second egg was laid at 9:10 am
April 28, 2018:  The third egg was laid at 9:13 am
April 29, 2018:  The fourth egg was laid at 9:02 am
April 30, 2018:  The fifth egg was laid at 9:08 am
May 1, 2018:     The sixth egg was laid mid to late morning
May 2, 2018:     The incubation period has begun
May 15, 2018:   The eggs began hatching in the very early morning hours.
At 4:01 the first hatched
egg was spotted. Then at 4:25 am a second egg hatched. At 5:53 am four eggs had  hatched and at 7:55 am the fifth hatched egg was observed . The sixth egg hatched about 6:30 pm
May 16, 2018:   The nestling period has begun
May 18, 2018:   One of the nestlings died overnight
June 1, 2018:   Two of the nestlings fledged around noon today
June 2, 2018:   The final 3 nestlings fledged - two about 11:45am and the last in mid-afternoon.
June 4, 2018:   Cleaned out the birdhouse

2017 Nesting Season 

The Fourth Bluebird Nest of the 2017 Season
Slotted Birdhouse

July 25, 2017: The bluebirds began another nest in the slotted birdhouse sometime between 7/20 and 7/25
July 26, 2017: The first bluebird egg was laid in the slotted birdhouse about 9:45 am
July 27, 2017: The second egg was laid about 9:45 am
July 28, 2017: The third egg was laid about 9:40 am
July 29, 2017: The fourth egg was laid about 9:30 am
July 30, 2017: The fifth egg was laid around 10:00 am
July 31, 2017: The incubation period has begun
August 12, 2017: The first two eggs hatched between 9:00am and 10:00am
August 12, 2017: The third egg hatched at 1:58 pm
August 12, 2017: The last two eggs hatched during the afternoon
August 13, 2017: The nestling phase has begun. It will last 16 to 21 days.
August 29, 2017: Two of the nestlings fledged in the early evening
August 30, 2017: The three remaining nestlings fledged this morning.

The Third Bluebird Nest of the 2017 Season
Round-hole Birdhouse

July 13, 2017: The first bluebird nesting material appeared in the round-hole birdhouse beginning the third nest of this season
July 16, 2017: The first egg was laid about 10:00 am
July 18, 2017: The second egg was laid about 9:45 am
July 19, 2017: The third egg was laid mid-morning
July 20, 2017: The three eggs were destroyed and removed by a predator.
July 25, 2017: Cleaned out the birdhouse

The Second Bluebird Nest of the 2017 Season
Round-hole Birdhouse

May  30, 2017: The first bluebird nesting material appeared in the Round-hole birdhouse
June 05, 2017: The first egg was laid about 9:45 am in the round-hole birdhouse
June 05, 2017:  Later in the day, the nest was raided, probably by a wren, and it removed the first egg
June 06, 2017:  A second egg was laid about 9:45 am
June 07, 2017:  A third egg was laid mid-morning
June 08, 2017:  A fourth egg was laid about 10:45 am
June 09, 2017:  The incubation period has begun
June 10, 2017:  One of the eggs disappeared sometime today - probably the wren again. Two eggs remain
John 22, 2017:  The two eggs hatched sometime during the night
June 22, 2017:  The nestling period has begun
July  09, 2017:   Nestling #1 fledged at 7:25 pm, and Nestling #2 fledged at 7:44 pm
July  10, 2017:   Cleaned out the birdhouse

The First Bluebird Nest of the 2017 Season
Slotted Birdhouse

March 30, 2017: The first bluebird nesting material appeared in the slotted birdhouse.
April 11, 2017:   The first egg was laid about 10:00 am
April 12, 2017:   The second egg was laid at 10:20 am
April 13, 2017:   The third egg was laid at 10:21 am

April 14, 2017:   The forth egg was laid at 9:45 am
April 15, 2017:   The fifth egg was laid at 9:42 am
April 16, 2017:   The sixth egg was laid sometime between 9:45 am and 10:15 am
April 18, 2017:   The incubation period began
April 30, 2017:   The first egg hatched at 11:50 am. Egg 2 hatched between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm. Egg 3 hatched about 2:30 pm. Egg 4 hatched between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm. Egg 5 hatched at 5:35 pm. Egg 6 did apparently did not hatch
May   1, 2017:    The Nestling Phase begins for this nest. (16 to 21 days)
May 10, 2017:    Two of the nestlings died during this week
May 16, 2017:    A third nestling died
May 25, 2017:    The two remaining nestlings fledged in the early afternoon

2016 Nesting Season 

The Third Bluebird Nest of the 2016 Season

June 17, 2016:  The bluebirds began building another new nest in the slotted birdhouse

June 20, 2016:  The bluebird laid her first egg

June 21, 2016:  The second egg was laid at 8:56 am

June 22, 2016:  The third egg was laid at 8:33 am

June 23, 2016:  The fourth egg was laid at 9:57 am

June 24, 2016:  The incubation period has begun

July    6, 2016:  The first egg hatched about 5:50 am

 July    6, 2016:  The second egg hatched about 9:50 am

July    7, 2016:  The third egg hatched at 4:55 am

July    8, 2016:  The nestling phase begins

July    9, 2016:  During the night, the nest was raided and destroyed by a predator



The Second Bluebird Nest of the 2016 Season

May   4, 2016:  The bluebirds began building a new nest in the slotted birdhouse
May   9, 2016:  The bluebird laid her first egg
May 10, 2016:  The bluebird laid her second egg about 9:25 am
 May 11, 2016:  The bluebird laid her third egg at 9:22 am
May 12, 2016:  The bluebird laid her fourth egg at 9:30 am
May 13, 2016:  The bluebird laid her fifth egg about 10:30 am

May 14, 2016:  The incubation period began
May 26, 2016:  The first egg hatched about 6:00 am
May 26, 2016:  The second egg hatched about 11:30 am
May 26, 2016:  The third egg hatched about 2:00 pm
May 26, 2016:  The fourth egg hatched about 3:00 pm
May 27, 2016:  The fifth egg hatched at 12:20 pm
May 27, 2016:  The nestling phase begins
 May 28, 2016:  One of the nestlings died and was removed from the nest by the parents
June 11, 2016: Two of the nestlings fledged between 5 pm and 7 pm
June 12, 2016: The third nestling fledged at 3:05 pm
June 12, 2016: The fourth nestling fledged at 3:55 pm
June 12, 2016: Birdhouse cleaned out at 6:30 pm - Waiting for a new nest build

The First Bluebird Nest of the 2016 Season

April 13, 2016   The bluebirds began building a new nest in the slotted birdhouse
April 23, 2016:  Bluebirds began building a nest in the round-hole birdhouse

April 26, 2016:  The first egg of this season was laid at about 8:55 am in the round-hole birdhouse.
April 28, 2016:  EGGS DESTROYED:  Unfortunately, at about 10:25 am today, a wren entered the bluebird nest and destroyed the eggs.
May   2, 2016:   We cleaned out the nest from the birdhouse with the hope that another nest will be built.



2015 Nesting Season

The Fourth Bluebird Nest of the 2015 Season

July  08, 2015:  The bluebirds began building a new nest in the birdhouse
July  14, 2015:  The first egg was laid about 8 am
July  15, 2015:  The second egg was laid about 8 am
July  16, 2015:  The third egg was laid about 8:10 am
July  17, 2015:  The fourth egg was laid about 10:05 am
July  18, 2015:  The incubation period has begun
July  30, 2015:  The first egg hatched in the early morning, the second around 2:30 pm
July  31, 2015:  The third egg hatched about 6:00 am
August 01, 2015:  The nestling period has begun
August 15, 2015:  The first nestling fledged mid-morning
August 16, 2015:  The second and third nestling fledges about 10:00 am
August 18, 2015:  Cleaned out the slotted birdhouse.


The Third Bluebird Nest of the 2015 Season

June 08, 2015: The bluebirds began building a new nest in the cleaned cleaned-out birdhouse
June 12, 2015: The bluebird laid her first egg in the new nest at 10:40am

June 13, 2015: The second egg was laid about 10:45am
June 14, 2015: The third egg was laid about 10:45am
June 15, 2015: The fourth egg was laid about 10:05am
June 16, 2015: The fifth egg was laid late morning or early afternoon
June 17, 2015: The incubation period has begun (12 to 14 days)
June 28, 2015: The first egg hatched at 2:58 pm 
June 29, 2015: The second, third, and fourth egg hatched in the morning
June 30, 2015: The fifth egg hatched early in the morning
July  01, 2015:  The nest was raided by a predator last night.


The Second Bluebird Nest of the 2015 Season

May 29, 2015: The first pieces of nesting material appeared in the morning for the second nest of the season
June 4, 2015: The first egg was laid in the morning

June 5, 2015: The second egg was laid about 9:30am
June 5, 2015:  Between 10:00 am and 1:30pm, a wren entered the birdhouse
and destroyed both eggs. They were found on the ground
under the birdhouse.
June 6, 2015:  The birdhouse has been cleaned out to wait for another nest



The First Bluebird Nest of the 2015 Season

April 04, 2015: The first few pieces of nesting material appeared in the slotted bird house
April 07, 2015: Nest building has begun in earnest

April 16, 2015: Nest building appears near completion
April 21, 2015: The first was laid 9:53 am
April 22, 2015: The second egg was laid about 10:57 am
April 23, 2015: The third egg was laid late morning
April 24, 2015: The fourth egg was laid late morning
April 25, 2015: The fifth egg was laid about 12:40 pm
April 25, 2015: The incubation period began
April 30, 2015: One of the eggs was noticed missing. It was probably
infertile or damaged and removed by the female bluebird
May  09, 2015: The first egg hatched about 9:45am

May  09, 2015: The second egg hatched about 11:10am
May  09, 2015: The third egg hatched about 3:00pm
May  10, 2015: The nestling period has begun
May  26, 2015: The first nestling fledged about 5:30 pm
May  26, 2015: The second nestling fledged about 7:30 pm
May  27, 2015: The third nestling fledged at 8:25 am
May  28, 2015: Cleaned out the birdhouse in preparation for a possible second nest

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2014 Nesting Season

The Second Bluebird Nest of the 2014 Season

May  31, 2014: The first nesting material appeared in the slotted bird house
June   6, 2014: The first egg was laid at 9:00 am

June   7, 2014: The second egg was laid at 9:23 am
June   8, 2014: The third egg was laid at 9:04 am
June   9, 2014: The fourth egg was laid at 10:20 am
June 10, 2014:  Beginning of the incubation period
June 22, 2014: The first egg hatched at 2:20 pm
June 22, 2014: The second egg hatched at 7:00 pm
June 23, 2014: The third and fourth eggs hatched during early morning hours
June 23, 2014:  Beginning of the nestling period - 16 to 21 days
July    9, 2014:  All the nestlings fledged between 11:15 and 11:45 am

The First Bluebird Nest of the 2014 Season

April   1, 2014: The first nesting material appeared in the slotted bird house
April 12, 2014: The first egg was laid at 10:41 am

April 13, 2014: The second egg was laid about 10:30 am
April 14, 2014: The third egg was laid about 10:12 am
April 15, 2014: The fourth egg was laid about 10:05 am
April 16, 2014: The fifth egg was laid about 12:10 pm
April 17, 2014: The incubation period began
April 30, 2014: The first egg hatched around 9:00 am
April 30, 2014: The second egg hatched around 10:00 am
April 30, 2014: The third egg hatched around 10:45 am
April 30, 2014: The fourth egg hatched around 12:45 am
May    1, 2014: The fifth egg hatched around 6:30 am
May    1, 2014: The nestling period has now begun
May  17, 2014: The nestlings fledged between 12:50 pm and 1:40 pm

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2013 Nesting Season

2013 Chronology - The Third Bluebird Nest of the Season

July  5, 2013:   Cleaned out the slotted birdhouse from the previous nest
July  8, 2013:   The first nesting material appeared in the slotted bird house
July 13, 2013:  The first egg was laid at 9:30 am
July 14, 2013:  The second egg was laid at 9:30 am
July 15, 2013:  The third egg was laid at 9:51 am

July 16, 2013:  The fourth egg was laid at 10:38 am
July 17, 2013:  The incubation period began 
July 29, 2013:  The first two eggs hatched between 5:45 am and 6:00 am
July 29, 2013:  The third egg hatched about 1:15 pm
 Note: The fourth egg did not hatchJuly 30, 2013:  The nestling period began
Aug.14, 2013:  The nestlings left the nest today - the last one left at 7:13 pm

2013 Chronology - The Second Bluebird Nest of the Season

May 26, 2013:  First nesting material appears in the slotted bluebird house
May 31, 2013:  The first egg was laid at 10:45 am

June 1, 2013:  The second egg was laid at 10:42 am
June 2, 2013:  The third egg was laid at 10:39 am

June 3, 2013:  The fourth egg was laid at 10:20 am
June 4, 2013:  The fifth egg was laid in the late morning

June 5, 2013:  The incubation period began
June 16, 2013: The first egg hatched about 2:20 pm
June 17, 2013: The second, third, and fourth eggs hatched in the morning
June 18, 2013: The fifth egg hatched about 1:00 pm
June 19, 2013:
The nestling period began
July    3, 2013:  All the baby bluebirds left the nest, one day earlier than expected

2013 Chronology - The First Bluebird Nest of the Season

March 29, 2013:  First nesting material appears in the slotted bluebird house
April   11, 2013:  The first egg was laid at 9:54 am

April   12, 2013:  The second egg was laid at 10:29 am
April   13, 2013:  The third egg was laid at 10:15 am
April   14, 2013:  The fourth egg was laid at 10:24 am
April   15, 2013:  The fifth egg was laid at 11:45 am
April   16, 2013:  The incubation period began
April   28, 2013:  The first egg hatched at 7:15 am
April   28, 2013:  The second egg hatched at 8:15 am
April   28, 2013:  The third egg hatched about 11:45 am
April   29, 2013:  The fourth egg hatched about 12:45 pm

Note:                  The fifth egg did not hatch
April   30, 2013:  The nestling period began

May    16, 2013:  The young bluebirds left the nest in the morning

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2012 Nesting Season

2012 Chronology - The Fourth Nest Season

August 15, 2012:  New nesting material appeared in the slotted birdhouse
August 20, 2012:  The first egg was laid at 12:30 pm

August 22, 2012:  The second egg was laid at 7:50 am
August 23, 2012:  The third egg was laid at 8:00 am
August 24, 2012:  The fourth egg was laid at 10:05 am
August 25, 2012:  The incubation period began

September 6, 2012: The eggs hatched
September 27, 2012: All of the hatchlings fledged between 3:15 pm and 3:45 pm


2012 Chronology - The Third Nest of the Season

July   4, 2012:  New nesting material is added to both birdhouses early in the morning.
July   4, 2012:  The first egg was laid in the round hole birdhouse at 9:40 am
July   5, 2012:  The second egg was laid at 11:10 am
July   6, 2012:  The third egg was laid at 12:50 pm
July   8, 2012:  The fourth egg was laid in late morning.
July   9, 2012:  A cat attacks the nest, but does destroy the eggs.
Cat Attack
 July   9, 2012:  The incubation period began.
July 20, 2012:  The first egg hatched
July 21, 2012:  The second and third eggs hatched
July 22, 2012:  The fourth egg hatched
July 26, 2012:  One of the nestlings died and was removed from the nest by the mother
August 7, 2012: All of the hatchlings fledged between 10 am and 1:45 pm


2012 Chronology - The Second Nest of the Season

May 25, 2012:  Nesting material appears in both birdhouses.
May 30, 2012:  The first egg was laid in the slotted birdhouse at 8:53 am.
                       The round hole nest was abandoned.
May 31, 2012:  The second egg was laid at 8:45 am.
June  1, 2012:  The third egg was laid at 8:50 am
June  1, 2012:  Predator destroyed the first three eggs midday.
June  2, 2012:  Another egg was laid at 8:55 am. This would have been the fourth egg.
June  3, 2012:  Another egg was laid at 10:45 am. This would have been the fifth egg.
June  4, 2012:  Incubation began.
June 17, 2012:
Both eggs hatched in the early morning hours .June 18, 2012: One of the hatchlings died. The female bluebird removed it from the nest.
July    3, 2012:  The lone nestling fledged about 2:45 pm


2012 Chronology - The First Nest of the Season

March 21, 2012:  Nesting material appears in the slotted birdhouse
April  2, 2012:     The first egg was laid
April  3, 2012:     The second egg was laid
April  4, 2012:     The third egg was laid
April  5, 2012:     The fourth egg was laid
April  6, 2012:     The fifth egg was laid
April  7, 2012:    
The incubation period began
April 17, 2012:     The first three eggs hatched
April 18, 2012:     The last two eggs hatched
May   8,  2012      All five fledglings left the nest between 9 am and noon


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2011 Nesting Season

2011 Chronology - The Fourth Nest of the Season

August   3, 2011:  New nesting material appears
                           in the slotted birdhouse
August 14, 2011:  The first egg was laid
August 15, 2011:  The second egg was laid
August 16, 2011:  The third egg was laid
August 17, 2011:  The fourth egg was laid
August 18, 2001: 
The incubation period began
August 30, 2011:  The first egg hatched
September 17, 2001: The nestlings fledged

2011 Chronology - The Third Nest of the Season

June 21, 2011:  Nesting material appeared in the round-hole birdhouse.
June 26, 2011:  The first egg was laid
June 27, 2011:  The second egg was laid
June 28, 2011:  The third egg was laid
June 29, 2011:  The fourth egg was laid
June 30, 2011:  The fifth egg was laid
July    1, 2011:  The incubation period began
July  12, 2011:  The first egg hatched
July  13, 2011:  The four remaining eggs hatched
July  28, 2011:  The first nestling fledged
July  29, 2011:  The remaining four nestlings fledged
July  30, 2011:  Both birdhouses were cleaned out



2011 Chronology - The Second Nest of the Season

May 11, 2011:  New nesting material appeared in the slotted birdhouse.
May 15, 2011:  The first egg was laid      
May 16, 2011:  The second egg was laid
May 17, 2011:  The third egg was laid    
May 18, 2011:  The fourth egg was laid  
May 19, 2011:  The fifth egg was laid      
May 26th, 2011 10:00 pm:  Nest disturbed by a predator

On May 26th, a predator raided the nest. The nest was pulled up and turned upside-down. However, when examining the nest in the morning, we found all 5 eggs on the bottom of the birdhouse, under the disturbed nest. We re-shaped the nest and returned the 5 eggs to it. The mother returned to the nest. We were recording the video at the time the nest was disturbed. The predator was a cat. This event did not seem to alter the incubation period.

June 2, 2011:   The first egg hatched       
June 3, 2011:   The fifth egg hatched       
June 19, 2011:  Four fledglings fledged   
June 20, 2011:  The 5th fledgling fledged 
June 20, 2011:  Birdhouse cleaned out - new anti-cat protection device
                        installed (4" PVC pipe sleeve painted brown)

2011 Chronology - The First Nest of the Season

March 14, 2011: First nesting material appeared in the slotted birdhouse.
April 3, 2011:     The first egg was laid.      
April 6, 2011:     The second egg was laid.
April 7, 2011:     The third egg was laid.     
April 8, 2011:     The fourth egg was laid     
April 9, 2011:     The fifth egg was laid      
April 22. 2011:   The eggs hatched                
May 8, 2011:      The young birds fledged 


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